Online Safety
We support the school in promoting online safety, though its not something we can easily practice in the club as we don’t use online-enabled devices or have live internet access.
Here are some great resources to help promote online safety in your home. We hope you find these useful.
KidSMART is an organisation dedicated to teaching kids how to stay safe online with their simple S.M.A.R.T. rules. They stand for…
To learn more, go to the KidSMART web site.
The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) is a site you can go to to report if someone has done something online that makes you or a child or young person you know feel unsafe. If you are worried about online abuse or the way someone has been communicating online you can report to an experienced Child Protection Advisor who will help.
You can find them at the CEOP website. They also run the Childline website and phone line which you can call anonymously on 0800 1111 or visit
NSPCC Online Safety
The NSPCC Online Safety website has resources for keeping children safe online, including
- how to set up parental controls on games and devices,
- advice, support and resources for teachers and carers,
- talking to your child about staying safe online,
- being Share Aware -taking control of how much personal information you are sharing,
- being Net Aware -learning which common web sites apps and games are safe and which are unsuitable.
The Online Safety section can be found on the NSPCC Child Safety website